Thursday, August 20, 2015

Seattle Sunset

Dress - Boohoo, Shirt - Forever 21, Sandals - Target

August has always been a hard month for me to post in, as it always seems to be the month where I do most of my summer travel.  This month, I visited both Fort Collins, Colorado and Seattle, Washington.  My trip to Fort Collins was rather short, so I really didn't get any photos.  I was in Seattle for about a week and had a wonder trip.  I've always loved the city, and I wish I had taken more pictures, however I was able to get these beautiful beach photos.  
These pictures were taken on Alki Beach in West Seattle; I used to visit there when I was young, but I hadn't been in ages.  The water was chilly, as expected, but it was terrific to just dip my feet in.  I knew going to the beach that I wanted to wear a short dress so I wouldn't have to worry about getting my clothes wet.  I recently purchased this dress from boohoo (early back to school shopping/late summer shopping), but Seattle is notorious for being chilly, which is why I decided to layer this striped shirt underneath.  And of course, my sandals were a must (because who wants to wear socks to a beach?).
Next week, I start school at my local university.  I'll be back on a regular schedule, which means I should be better about posting.  (I always think that I'm going to post more during the summer when in reality I think I need a schedule to help me keep track on posting.  Oh well.)

Elizabeth xx

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