Friday, July 21, 2017

VIIcode Eye Masks

Hi everyone!  I was recently sent these under-eye masks by VIIcode skin care.  So what do they do exactly?  Well, they're made to help clear up (or lighten) dark circles you may have under your eyes by nourishing your skin with its non-irritating formula.  With these masks, you're also able to wear them for up to eight hours, meaning that you can sleep in them throughout the night.  Each box comes with six masks individually wrapped.  The mask consists of two under-eye patches that are easy to apply directly under the eye.

Even though it's summer, and I don't have any late nights studying, it doesn't mean that I now have the perfect sleep schedule.  With that to consider, having dark circles can still sometimes be an issue.  After receiving these in the post, I decided to first try wearing them for four hours.  I wanted to see how much of a difference these would make after half of the suggested time.


Eye Mask On

After four hours

Personally, I didn't notice a huge difference after only four hours.  However, if you're in a hurry and don't have eight hours to spare, I do think that wearing these for four hours can provide a nice, little pick-me-up. 

A few days later I decided to wear them again, this time for the full eight hours, as I was going out with some friends the next day.  I pulled out a new package, and put them on after washing my face before going to bad that night.

After eight hours

Final thoughts

Here's the deal: I'm a stomach sleeper.  I'm sure you thinking, 'What does this have to do with eye masks?' As a stomach sleeper, I pretty much sleep on my face; specifically one side of my face.  By sleeping on the same side of my face throughout the night, one of the patches fell off whilst I was sleeping (can you guess which eye it was?  Hint: it was the left eye).  As for the patch that stayed on, I think itdid a good job of helping with any dark circles I had from the night before.  The point I’m trying to make is, if you sleep on your face like me, this may not be the perfect product for you.  BUT if you sleep on your back this product will be your new best friend.

If you’re interested in these masks, you can buy the product here.

Elizabeth xx

*This product was sent to me, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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